I am done having opinions
This article is short enough to not have an TL;DR section. I am done with having opinions. I would rather focus on goals I believe in. My opinions would always get in the way with that. Having an opinion has nothing to do with being ethical. I can express all of that in my actions without ever needing to express an opinion.
Having an opinion just leads to lengthy arguments with others that want to disprove any opinion they don’t like at all cost. It is cheaper for me not to have an opinion to begin with, or just adopt the opinion of someone else. Having an opinion has nothing to do with my values, or my actions. Likewise, an opinion is just an opinion. Everyone cares about your opinion, even though they say they don’t — but only when your opinion is not the same as theirs. So just have their opinion.
Having an opinion also has nothing to do with journalism or being investigative or controversial (that is someone else’s opinion). I am just done having an opinion. I would rather execute something I believe in than to discuss an opinion I have. It took me roughly 10 years to come to that insight. I can only highly recommend that you don’t go through the whole learning process yourself.